Dress Code & Appearance

Regarding dress code, and appearances.

The following articles are taken directly from the “Milestone Employee Handbook”.


The Milestone dress code is intended to project an “image of excellence.” All team members have a direct impact on this image, and by following the guidelines below, enhance the company’s public relations investment. Individual questions or concerns should be directed to your supervisor. Dress, grooming and personal cleanliness contributes to the morale of all associates and affects the business image we present to customers and visitors. During business hours, team members are expected to present a clean and neat appearance and to dress according to the requirements of their position. Team members who appear for work inappropriately dressed or with poor personal hygiene will be sent home and directed to return to work in proper attire and proper personal hygiene. Under such circumstances team members will not be compensated for time away from work. All team members are expected to observe daily personal hygiene and use good judgment regarding appropriate dress and grooming. The final decision regarding proper attire and grooming is the responsibility of the team member’s supervisor or manager who shall make decisions consistent with the policies contained herein. Consult your supervisor or manager if you have questions as to what constitutes appropriate attire.


Technicians and Apprentice:

 Milestone provides work attire for technicians. Technicians and apprentices are expected to wear the company issued shirt (white, long and short sleeved), trousers, approved belt, shoes, and jackets. The Team member I.D. Badge with photograph, company name/logo and “team member number” should be visible at all times. The American Flag should be on the LEFT arm, the company emblem above the heart. All other clothing such as coats, coveralls etc... all attire must be approved by Milestone management. No Hats, no “camo”.

Uniforms should be changed mid-day when they become excessively soiled or wet from sweat.

The following represents some guidelines relative to the policy:

         Wrinkled, stained or dirty clothing is considered inappropriate at all times.

         Ripped or jeans with holes are not permitted. “Distressed clothes” are inappropriate.

         Sleeveless and tank tops are not permitted.

         No low-riding pants or jeans are permitted at any time.

         Avoid lingerie looks or overly revealing outfits of any nature.

         Be sure to check that garments are not too transparent, tight, revealing or distracting to others.

         Footwear should be fastened and secured to feet for safety.

         T-shirts with printed messages or flashy “loud” clothing is not permitted.

         DO NOT WEAR sunglasses when speaking to your clients.

         Hats are not allowed


Shoe Covers, Drop Cloths, Clean Up Towels

         SHOE COVERS must be put on before entering the home, at the doorstep (in the presence of the client).

         SHOE COVERS must be worn whenever inside client’s home. This is the #1 most powerful ways to get a client to trust and like you.

         Order DROP CLOTHS or rugs from uniform company.

         Place TOOLS AND TOOL BOXES on protective mat.

         CLEAN UP TOWELS: Use only unused towels - don’t reuse them on your next call!



 Male Team Members

Milestone prefers no beards, mustaches or goatees; if present, facial hair should be kept neatly trimmed and clean and no longer than 0.5 in length. Hair must be neatly cut, clean and kept off the ears. The hair must be no longer in the back than the top of a tailored shirt collar. Tails, ponytails or otherwise are not allowed. Fad hair styles including, but not limited to, unnatural coloring of hair, dreadlocks, Mohawks or unconventional cuts are not permitted.

Visible tattoos must be completely covered while on duty.

Jewelry: Small rings and/or wedding bands are permitted but must not be worn while performing jobs where they might present a hazard to the team member. Earrings shall not be worn, including visible body piercing. This includes earrings, nose rings, eyebrow rings, tongue rings visible piercing.

Any cigarette or cigar smoke on the body must be neutralized with a spray to mask odor.

Team members are always expected to maintain excellent personal hygiene. Team members must maintain proper oral hygiene and wear deodorant/antiperspirant and/or after shave.

Female Team Members

 Hair must be neatly cut and clean. Hair below shoulder length may need some confinement so as not to fall forward over the face or otherwise endanger the team member while working. Fad hair styles including, but not limited to, unnatural hair coloring, dreadlocks, Mohawks, or unconventional cuts are not permitted.

Visible tattoos must be completely covered while on duty.

Excessive make-up is not acceptable.

Jewelry: Rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings are permitted if present professional appearance, but must not be worn while performing work where they might present a hazard to the team member. Visible body piercings that represent a distraction are not permitted including nose rings, eyebrow rings, tongue rings or other visible piercings other than earrings. Team Members should consult their supervisor or manager with any questions as to what constitutes a distraction.

Team members are always expected to maintain excellent personal hygiene . Team members must maintain proper oral hygiene and wear deodorant/antiperspirant.