Customer Concerns

Procedure concerning Commercial Calls:


                Occasionally you will have to run a commercial call, provided you have the correct license to perform work on commercial property. Code requirements for commercial property is usually much different than residential, it’s always a good idea to consult your codebook or ask one of the many knowledgeable technicians at your disposal. The difference can mean a drastic change in the normal material cost or labor of a certain job.

·         Park legally. Self-explanatory.

·         Usually you will need to find the front desk/office of the building and provide them with who you are, who you work for, and what you’ve been called there to do.

·         Find the person in charge of approval.

o   Inform them that we are C.O.D (Cash on Delivery), which essentially means that we need to collect payment as soon as we are done with the work, or at the very least a service fee.

o   Some companies may have a previous account with Milestone that allows them to bill us rather than us collecting a check upon completion. VERY FEW companies have this, and we are NOT willing to let new companies do it.

·         Provided that the person in charge is ok with our terms of payment, proceed to the reason you were called out.

o   Pay special attention to what they want done.

o   Use as many of the normal “Steps of a service call” as you can reasonably use.

o   When it comes time to price the job, you will likely need to determine the cost of the material in question, and the time it will take you to complete the job.

§  Call in and get a “Manager Price”.

§  Don’t forget to apply taxes to the job.

·         (Job Cost + Dispatch Fee + TFS) x 8.25% (.0825) = Taxes

·         Then (Job Cost + Dispatch Fee + TFS + Taxes = Job Total)


o   We warranty commercial work for ONE YEAR ONLY.

o   Our residential invoice will say five years, you will need to write “ONE YEAR COMMERCIAL WARRANTY” on the invoice they sign.

·         If the business or organization claims to be “Tax Exempt”, they are required to show the necessary “Tax Exempt” forms. Usually schools and churches are “Tax Exempt”.

o   Take a picture of the “Tax Exempt” form for your debrief.

·         Some smaller commercial scenarios might only require you to do a small diagnostic or to change/replace a single item or two. As long as the work in question isn’t far outside the normal criteria of what we would normally do in a residential setting, it may be OK to price the job straight out of your pricing guide.

o   If you’re in doubt, talk to a service manager.